Great American Heroes & Icons (Who Were Also Style Icons)

We’ve never been the ones for in-your-face, rah-rah, chest-beating type of patriotism that persists in many corners of this country.  We were always more of the quiet, internalized patriotism type, where we won’t necessarily wear it on our sleeves and vocalize it too often, but runs just as deep as the former.  Relax…this isn’t a politic article.  We just want to make the point that we’re less of an American cheerleader than we are a Tom Landry when it comes to love for our country.

We also believe that to be American is a result of dumb luck in the majority of cases, with most of us being born here and not necessarily having a choice in our nationality, but benefitting from it just the same.  This is why Nationalism never made sense to us; having a superiority complex based on something that we just Forrest-Gumped our way into isn’t really an accomplishment as it is a stroke of good fortune.  That being said, we can still be absolute softies for our country and for some of our nation’s heroes.  And, since we’re dedicated to the pursuit of men’s fashion and celebrating those who embody the qualities of stylish men, we wanted to look at some of our country’s biggest heroes who just happened to be overlooked style icons.  Enjoy.

Mark Twain


America’s greatest satirist/advocate of the white suit before Tom Wolfe.

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong, 1969

If you’re the first man on the Moon, you get a free pass to smoke a big stogey anywhere you want.

The Wright Brothers


First in flight, first in Bowler hats.  Just because you’re working on planes doesn’t mean you can’t dress like a first-class passenger.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein in 1912 - (33 years old)

An American by choice, everyone’s favorite scientist was always a snazzy dresser.

Walt Whitman


The original Hipster/Captain Fantastic.  Also wrote occasionally.

James Baldwin


The thinking-man’s writer/Civil Rights icon.

Ernest Hemingway

13 Facts about Ernest Hemingway _ Old Pics Archive _ Page 10

We can’t confirm this, but we’re pretty sure Pappy killed and then ate this dog just seconds after this photo was taken.

Bruce Lee

Démonstrations du kung fu de Bruce Lee dans des tournois de karaté américain, 1967_1968, présentés par Jhoon Rhee, et en présence de Joe___ (1)

Master of the “One-Inch Punch” and badass weekender style.

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